On Saturday 19th September 2009, the Grand Finals of the 2009 Schools’ Competition were held in The House of Assembly Chamber of Parliament House. Each debate began with a welcome from the Chairman of the Board of Debating SA, Mr Tony Houey.

The day began with the Year 8 division debate at 10:00am with St John’s Grammar School as the Affirmative Team and Glenunga International High School as the Negative Team debating the topic “That Santa should slim down.” It was a humorous and light hearted debate but in the end the St John’s Grammar School emerged victorious having convinced the panel of five adjudicators that Santa really should slim down.
The Year 9 debate followed at 11:00am with two teams from Pembroke debating the topic “That space exploration is a waste of money.” The Affirmative team were the victors by a 3-2 split decision.

At 12:00pm the Year 10 debate between Glenunga International High School as the Affirmative and Pedare Christian College as the Negative began. The topic for debate was “That genius is akin to madness.” A unanimous decision by the panel of five adjudicators saw the debate awarded to Pedare Christian College.
The Senior division debate began at 2:00pm with two Sacred Heart College teams debating the topic “That human nature is reflected more by Adolf Hitler than Jesus Christ.” The debate was awarded to the Affirmative in a unanimous decision.
The final debate of the day was the Open division debate at 3:30pm on a quodlibetical topic.
The scenario described the 1988 Lockerbie terrorist attack on a Boeing 747-121 and how the convicted Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi was released in August 2009 on compassionate grounds as he had terminal cancer. The topic was “That the Scottish Government did the right thing.”
The debate was of an excellent standard with both teams debating the legal and ethical implications of an early release. In a split decision the debate was awarded to Pembroke School.

Debating SA would like to thank Miss Chloe Fox MP, Member for Bright for her support in securing the The House of Assembly Chamber.
Our thanks to the adjudicators for their expertise and all others who made the Grand Final such a special event.