On Thursday 3 November 2022 we were delighted to be hosted by Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia and Debating SA Patron, and Mr Rob Bunten, at Government House, to celebrate the achievements of the 2022 Schools’ Competition winning and runner up teams, as well as the Debater of the Year Winners for 2022.

Good afternoon Your Excellency, Mr Bunten and esteemed members of the audience.
I would like to thank Her Excellency for her address. I am deeply honoured to deliver the reply address today on behalf of the debaters. As a community, we are incredibly thankful for Your Excellency’s support of debating. Debating is an activity that, for many of us, is the highlight of our school year. Your support, and the time you have taken to host this is a great privilege for us all.
Standing in front of you today, I am in a unique position. Beyond being a debater myself, I am also an adjudicator, coach and coordinator. It is safe to say that debating has taken over the last few years of my life. This also means that I have been fortunate enough to meet many of the debaters in this room, and from this I can confidently say that I have never had more hope for the future.
Being aware of what is going on in the world, is becoming increasingly difficult. The modern age is incredibly challenging to navigate, regardless of your personal values and beliefs. It is imperative that as we move into this world, we remain active, curious and aware. Being knowledgeable and articulate are important skills, and having adjudicated and met a significant portion of the younger debaters here, I can safely say that in the future, our world will be in good hands. To my fellow debaters, you are all incredible young people, from a variety of places and views on a variety of issues.
So, thank you all for your engagement in debating this year, especially our coaches, teachers, parents, Debating SA adjudicators and volunteers; your support and belief in us as debaters is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to all teams this year. Please continue to debate throughout your schooling. I hope that debating has given you the skills to go into the world with curiosity and courage.
Thank you.