The following screens will guide you through the process of entering your school in the Debating SA Schools’ Competition.
Before proceeding, please ensure you agree to each and all of the following.
- I have read the Entry Information. If you have any queries or questions please contact us first.
- I have read the Debating SA Privacy Policy and understand how Debating SA will use my/my school’s information.
- I agree to ALL of the Terms and Conditions of Entry below.
Terms and Conditions of Entry
- Venue availability. The availability of a division at a venue is subject to entry numbers. Debating SA reserves the right to assign a team to another venue to preserve the integrity of the competition.
- School Registration Fee. Each school will be a charged a $110 school registration fee in addition to team fees. This fee will be waived for Host Schools. Host schools also receive a discount on any teams entered.
- Team Entry Fees must be received by Debating SA before the season begins in Term 2. Fees for teams withdrawn after 5pm, Monday 17 March 2025 will not be refunded. In the event that your school has not yet paid the fees for the withdrawn team(s), the fees will still be outstanding. Debating SA reserves the right to refuse participation to teams for which fees have not been paid.
- Student Participation. Entry in the competition is a binding commitment and students should not be absent from a debating event unless they have a legitimate reason. Any student at a participating school that is in the assigned year level or below may debate in place of an absent team member (even debate twice during an evening) to allow the debate to proceed as an official debate. Forfeits should be a last resort.
- Topics once set, will not be changed under any circumstances. Teams that choose not to debate a topic, no matter the reason, will incur a forfeit with associated fees and scoring penalties.
- Forfeits and Postponements: If a team forfeits, it will incur a forfeit charge of $100. Postponements are entirely at the discretion of Debating SA and will incur a $60 charge for the services of the adjudicator.
- Medallions for Winning and Runner Up Teams: If one or more of a school’s teams is the winning or runner up team for the competition, Debating SA will fund the cost of the medallions up to 4 team members per team. The cost of additional medallions per team will be the responsibility of the school (approx. $45 per medallion).